• Events,  Lifestyle,  West Texas

    The End of the Yellow Brick Road

    One Door Opens

    When One Door Closes, Another One Opens When you go Over the Rainbow, you find yourself on the Yellow Brick Road. It is high adventure. It is also perilous, dark in places, and beautiful beyond imagining in others, and always a Challenge. I find myself, and our little shop on the Edge of Eternity, reaching the end of that Road before long. I think I’m ready to go Beyond the Yellow Brick Road [Thank you, Elton John!].

  • Ecology and Economy,  Lifestyle,  Nature

    In Search of Wholism

    In Search of Wholism

    Where Does Idealism End and Living Begin? Anyone who has followed the haphazard progress of this Blog since we opened [Somewhere] Over the Rainbow three years ago, probably has realized that I have conflicts where the Retail Model is concerned. I think the answer to the above question has to be that either Ideals and Life mesh, or it becomes almost impossible to function.

  • Ecology and Economy,  Lifestyle,  West Texas

    Turning Corners & New Directions


    Thoughts as Spring 2024 Arrives: I’m not going to say that the winter has flown by, but I have skimmed through it in a daze of busy-ness and extra paperwork [or data entry anyway] brought about by the necessity of switching POS system part way through last year, and maybe just plain winter blues, I don’t feel that I have accomplished a lot so far. If you read my New Year’s post [the first of 2024— Make Time]then you’ll know what I’m talking about when I say I haven’t. I haven’t made Time for much…

  • Events,  Fort Davis,  Lifestyle

    From Our House…

    Merry Christmas

    To Yours! Merry Christmas Here it is the most Wonderful Time of the Year, and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone— friends, family and community as well as our amazing customers. We appreciate and are grateful to and for each and every one of you. We are wishing all a merry Christmas and a New Year filled with fresh promise and hope. If there was one Gift I could spread around to the whole world this Christmas Season, it would be Hope. Too often in our busy and complicated lives, hope gets…

  • Events,  Fort Davis,  Lifestyle

    From Our House to Yours

    Happy Thanksgiving from Over the Rainbow

    We are wishing everyone, in our community, among our customers, and our wider audience, a lovely Thanksgiving. We hope that it is whatever you Like best in your Holiday. I call it the Food Holiday, so that tells you a lot about my Thanksgiving priorities. For those that don’t know, Over the Rainbow is closed on Wednesdays, so we won’t be at the store tomorrow, and we are closed on Thanksgiving. However, we will be here on Friday, and all weekend. The store is running a Sale for Black Friday and Small Business Saturday. (Sale…

  • Lifestyle,  Shop Local,  West Texas

    Almost Famous

    Over the Rainbow Tx October 23

    Maybe Not Famous But Grateful ~ I am grateful for the friends we have made in Fort Davis, in Marfa and in Alpine, many of them small business owners themselves. I am also ever so grateful for all of our regular customers, for the chance to get to know some of these lovely people better (and also for all of the customers who come from places like, Austin, San Antonio, Midland , El Paso, or even Houston, Dallas or Fort Worth. Many of these are regulars also, coming once twice or more often a year,…

  • Ecology and Economy,  Life,  Lifestyle,  Shop Local

    The Dreams that you Dare to Dream

    Prada Marfa

    … Really Do Come True The summer flew by. We are settling into Fall after the fun and rush of having relatives from Florida [Daughter and Granddaughter to me; Sister and Niece to my co-workers] visit. I so enjoy doing the whole tourist experience in this area that I love so much. You get to see every thing with fresh eyes, and we get around to things that just get overlooked or put off in our day to day life. From Prada Marfa to the Château Wright Winery to munching lunch from a Food Truck,…

  • Creative,  Events,  Lifestyle,  Shop Local

    The Big Re-Brand

    OTRTX Rebrand 2023

    Changing it Up Besides a Name Change and some design decisions, we are also leaning more toward a circular economy model. We already carry both some vintage and quality used clothing and accessories (belts, scarves and jewelry, etc.). We also have always had an eclectic selection of vintage goods, household wares and decor items. I have dealt in vintage goods through my Etsy shop (recently closed) and other outlets for a number of years. I’ve been a collector since I was a teenager, as was my Dad. It believe it is in the blood.