• Fort Davis,  Shop Local

    Building a Dream

    Hoping the Foundation is Good Having, after well over a month of hard work, finally opened Somewhere Over the Rainbow, we are in that rather nerve racking period of waiting to see. If you build it, will they come?  So far, we’ve had a couple of really good days, and a few that have been anything but. We are on State Street, but a little off the beaten path, and sitting just a bit back from the road. Our next door neighbors are Cueva De Leon (Yum)and Davis Mountains Rock Shop (the business owned by…

  • Events,  Fort Davis,  Shop Local,  West Texas

    Finally Over the Rainbow

    Welcome to Somewhere Over the Rainbow

    Open this Week We’re so excited (read: nervous, stressed and just a little crazy) to announce that at long last, Somewhere Over the Rainbow is Opening! Now, this isn’t the Grand Opening. That will come Soon, complete with a Sale and some Prizes I think. Look for an announcement in the next week or two. Our Hours are still a bit flexible, but look for us most days but Wednesday (Closed) from 10 to 6ish except Sunday. Then it’s 11 to 4! We’re looking forward to finally getting to meet a lot more of our…

  • Events,  Fort Davis,  Life

    Earth Day 2021

    Earth Day

    Each year, on April 22nd, since 1970, we have celebrated Earth Day. It’s original and abiding purpose has been as an observance to focus Awareness on the many ecological challenges this planet faces. Much has changed in the intervening years. Certainly more people are aware of the many problems confronting our environment, and the ongoing impact of issues like climate change, industrial pollution, waste disposal and the need for change in the way the agro-industrial complex produces our food, fiber and fuel. In the months to come, we at Somewhere Over the Rainbow will address…

  • Life,  West Texas

    Is it Spring Yet?

    2020 in the Rearview

    Living With 2020 in the Rear-View The winter, from whatever perspective I choose, has been both long and short. Time which was meandering along at a manageable pace, began flying by shortly after the New Year. Somehow it is March, and I have yet to settle in to 2021.  2020 now, that was a Year. A very long, very full, sometimes frightening and always eventful twelve months that seemed to last much longer. Except for the #deepfreeze and the Great Texas Blackout it flowed into (Now that slowed down Time for a few cold and…