• Events,  Life

    Only the One Earth…

    Over the Rainbow

    World Environment Day June 5th, 2022 I have been getting outside (mostly in my yard— I’m a wannabe permaculture gardener) a bit more since the weather has begun getting better. That is, if you overlook almost 40 degree drops in temperature from one day to the next, and my first Haboob since returning to Texas in 2020. I’m pretty sure we experienced (at least) one when we lived here previously. I just wasn’t aware that they had such an odd name. It almost seems sometimes, that with the advent of the internet, mankind got around…

  • Events,  Life,  Shop Local

    Happy Birthday to…

    SOTR First Birthday

    Somewhere Over the Rainbow The long and short of it is that I’m not sure if it feels like a year since we launched this small Shop on the Edge of Eternity or not. Some months have trickled by like a dried up desert spring, and others have rushed by like the water down State Street after one of our monsoonal downpours.  (Yes, we think about Water a lot out here.)  However it might feel to me, a year has wound passed since we opened the store. The Official Birthday is March 18th (Wednesday; the…

  • Events,  Life,  West Texas

    Observing Earth Day 2022

    The View

    There’s No Time Like Now Desert Blooms- The Big Bend When I first started this post yesterday, I found myself climbing up onto the same Soapbox I’ve occupied for too many Earth Days now. Since my years spent Homesteading in the turbulent days of the late 1970s and through the mid 1980s, I’ve been repeating the same message. As have a great number of others. However, while these many voices over the decades have increased awareness and garnered recruits to the cause of this planet, it’s still not enough. Earth Day was first celebrated on…

  • Life,  West Texas

    Let’s Go Outside

    Hwy 118

    Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt. John Muir It’s Spring in West Texas As I write this, it is April and we have weeks of Springtime ahead of us still. The weather remains unsettled, see-sawing  back and forth between oh so chilly and almost summer-like warmth— between the sublime of perfect sundrenched days, and into a windswept dustbowl that tears the eyes, can chill to the bone, and paints everything in shades of dun and brown. But ahh, those days that tell of the warmer…

  • Fort Davis,  Life,  West Texas

    Just West of the Rainbow

    Just West

    Seeing Past the Fear We come into Spring in West Texas, an unsettled time of year at best, in the midst of yet another unsettled situation. These last few years have wore on everyone— from Corona Virus or Covid, to an election that threatened to tear this country apart, and now a War half-way around the world— this country (and so many others) are stressed and divided beyond anything in recent history. I have thought deeply about this of late, and I am saddened that during a period when it seems that people should be…

  • Fort Davis,  Life,  Shop Local,  West Texas

    So Where’s Downtown?

    View of Fort Davis

    Downtown★ Uptown★ Midtown★ In a Small Town This post is at least partly by way of continuing my whine about all the attention that goes to one end of Fort Davis, often at the expense of the remainder of this sweet West Texas town. Granted, with some few (and Notable) exceptions most of the Business District is clustered around TX Hwy 118, or State Street, once you’re in Fort Davis.  The Business District in Fort Davis actually stretches from the two junctions of highways 118 and 17 at either end, and in reality, a bit…

  • Fort Davis,  Life,  West Texas

    Smile Anyway

    Masking Up

    The Great Mask Controversy I’m doing a short post today in the interest of clarifying the position we at Somewhere Over the Rainbow have chosen to take where  masks are concerned. We recognize that it is an issue that raises a great deal of controversy. Like many topics these days, the middle ground seems to be lightyears away from the extremes espoused by one side or the other. While we don’t feel affiliated in particular with either side of this controversial subject, we have chosen a path that works for us. While we watch and…

  • Events,  Fort Davis,  Life,  Shop Local

    Time to Settle In


    After the Grand Opening We had an awesome time last Saturday at the Grand Opening for Somewhere Over the Rainbow. The day was hot but beautiful and we enjoyed the visits from friends, old and new. We would like to thank everyone that came by and all who participated in the Celebration. A special thanks to the fine Folks from Fort Davis Chamber of Commerce for putting it all together. Congratulations to the winners in our little door prize drawing; Ann Marie, Jennifer and Sue. We hope to do more such promotions in the future.…