[New] Beginnings

New Year, New Dreams & Goals
I can’t believe we’re already over half way through January 2023! However, that’s what the calendar is telling me, so I guess I just have to go along.
In order to meet at least one of my goals for this year, I had better get this post written and published. I hope to be more forthcoming and interactive with my online presence this year. That means at least two Posts on this Blog every month.
Ideally, I not only want to do more highlighting the natural beauty of this area (West Texas) and the events and activities that make it such an awesome place to live or visit, but also resume my features of favorite businesses from throughout the region. I also promise more informative posts regarding the products we choose to sell. The whys and what fors and hows and whens of it all, and why we love a product or have some definite opinion on it.
We will be delving deeper into the ongoing issues and responsibilities of being in business, and still supporting the causes and concerns closest to our hearts. From environment to regeneration to circular economies and why we believe they are necessary. We want to touch on the problems presented by our culture and our economic structure. Heady stuff for sure, but ultimately we are all responsible for the World we help to build.
Perhaps most notably, over the next few weeks I am going to finally take the time to get our Online Shop going on this website. I expect to keep the Etsy Shop with it’s mostly Vintage Offerings going for the foreseeable future, but we would like to offer the more remote Fans of our store the opportunity to purchase some of our Favorite Things when they are not making a trip to West Texas. Stay tuned, and don’t let me procrastinate.
Sending Love to Our Social Following
As anyone who has started a business and established new social media accounts knows, unless you are already well connected in that medium, it is a job in and of itself to get recognized and build a following. Still short of two years in business, we are well pleased with the progress we have made along those lines.
In West Texas, we are blessed with a beautiful landscape and a rather unique overall lifestyle. It makes it a bit easier for us to set ourselves apart from the crowd. However, a very small local population works in quite the opposite direction. All in all, we find that our Social Media does help keep us more connected with our customers and in many cases, our friends.
Our Facebook Page has not grown as quickly as the Instagram Account. Both receive pretty much the same content, but I will admit to being more comfortable with Instagram’s format for the most part. All of our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest (I don’t really use Pinterest for marketing purposes, but I have a great deal of interesting content on the account) can be found under our @OverThe RainbowTx handle. The cohesion and consistency is helpful, in this case particularly, since Somewhere Over the Rainbow is such a common name or title.
We’re kind of stoked just now to be a Trending Business on Instagram at present. As I understand it, this means we get a high number of profile visits and impressions compared to other businesses with similar numbers of followers. Yay!
We would love it if you not only Followed this Blog, but also one or more of our Social Accounts. The More the Merrier!
Talk to you again soon…


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One Comment
Great post :]