• Ecology and Economy,  Life,  Lifestyle,  Shop Local

    The Dreams that you Dare to Dream

    Prada Marfa

    … Really Do Come True The summer flew by. We are settling into Fall after the fun and rush of having relatives from Florida [Daughter and Granddaughter to me; Sister and Niece to my co-workers] visit. I so enjoy doing the whole tourist experience in this area that I love so much. You get to see every thing with fresh eyes, and we get around to things that just get overlooked or put off in our day to day life. From Prada Marfa to the Château Wright Winery to munching lunch from a Food Truck,…

  • Marfa,  Neighbors,  Shop Local

    Mother Mary’s Spiritual Goods

    Mother Mary's Entrance

    Metaphysical Supplies in Neighboring Marfa~ We take the short trip to neighboring town Marfa fairly frequently. A favorite stop these days is the lovely and unique Mother Mary’s Spiritual Goods. The friendly and knowledgeable proprietor, Amanda Holstien, carries a diverse selection of metaphysical and esoteric wares. From Tarot Cards and other divination supplies to candles, jewelry, herbs and soaps, to incense, oils and potions, her offerings keep expanding...

  • Creative,  Events,  Lifestyle,  Shop Local

    The Big Re-Brand

    OTRTX Rebrand 2023

    Changing it Up Besides a Name Change and some design decisions, we are also leaning more toward a circular economy model. We already carry both some vintage and quality used clothing and accessories (belts, scarves and jewelry, etc.). We also have always had an eclectic selection of vintage goods, household wares and decor items. I have dealt in vintage goods through my Etsy shop (recently closed) and other outlets for a number of years. I’ve been a collector since I was a teenager, as was my Dad. It believe it is in the blood.

  • Ecology and Economy,  Life,  Products

    Thinking in Circles

    Life is a Circle

    What Makes The World Go Round Searching for an Eco Philosphy That Works I’ve been thinking a lot about creating a sustainable business for quite some time now. It is a difficult economy, and a difficult idea to Sell, much less to achieve. What Makes The World Go Round Searching for an Eco Philosphy That Works I’ve been thinking a lot about creating a sustainable business for quite some time now. It is a difficult economy, and a difficult idea to Sell, much less to achieve. It is true that the concepts of reusing and…

  • Events,  West Texas

    Earth Day 2023

    Earth Day/ Week/ Month/ Year I started my first Blog in 2012 or so, and as far as I can remember, an Earth Day post has been written every year since that time. I was observing Earth Day long before that. In fact, pretty much since that first Earth Day in 1970. As a teenager on her way to becoming an activist of one sort or another for the remainder of her life, I realized how dire the outlook for this planet had become. Jump forward over five decades, and the same can be said.…

  • Events,  Fort Davis,  West Texas


    Fort Davis, Texas Post Card

    Almost Spring Break in West Texas~ March, the first month of Spring, when the Calendar finally makes it official, and when everyone from families of school age children to college students take advantage of some time off to explore, is upon us. In West Texas, we will be ready to greet the many tourists that seek out this wild and wide open corner of the Lone Star State. Spring Break is a divider for us. The wind is still wild, the weather still changeable and unpredictable, but wildflowers and tree buds are showing up everywhere,…

  • Fort Davis,  Life,  Shop Local,  West Texas

    [New] Beginnings

    Crystal window

    New Year, New Dreams & Goals I can’t believe we’re already over half way through January 2023! However, that’s what the calendar is telling me, so I guess I just have to go along. In order to meet at least one of my goals for this year, I had better get this post written and published. I hope to be more forthcoming and interactive with my online presence this year. That means at least two Posts on this Blog every month.